Don’t Be Afraid of Stopping Your Toothache

Do you worry about the possibility of requiring root canal therapy? These concerns are unfounded. Contemporary root canal therapy is relatively painless compared to other procedures, and its purpose is to alleviate the discomfort caused by inflamed or infected tooth pulp. Dr. Maconi at Havertown Dental Arts takes pleasure in assisting patients in overcoming their apprehensions about root canal therapy to preserve their smiles. If you're experiencing a toothache and feel anxious about treatment options, don't hesitate to contact us promptly for further information on smile-saving root canal therapy in Havertown, PA.

Why Choose Havertown Dental Arts for Root Canal Therapy?

Experienced, Caring Dentist
Overcoming Fear is Our Specialty
Dental Office That Empowers Patients with Oral Health

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The Root Canal Procedure

To begin with, it's important to understand that your mouth will be anesthetized before the procedure, meaning you won't experience any pain during the treatment. (Some mild discomfort might arise afterwards.) Regarding the treatment process, it entails creating an access point in the tooth to extract the damaged pulp and eliminate the infection-causing bacteria. We will ensure thorough cleaning of the inner part of the tooth before filling and sealing it securely.

Reasons for a Root Canal

Typically, the pulp within your tooth is adequately safeguarded by the enamel. However, there are instances where it can become inflamed or infected, often due to untreated cavities or unrepaired cracks. Sometimes, even if there are no visible signs of damage, an injury to the tooth can harm the pulp. Untreated inflammation or infection of the pulp can result in severe pain, and if left unattended, it may lead to tooth loss. This is why root canal therapy is frequently required as a necessary measure.

Root Canal FAQ's