Bridges – Havertown, PA

Restoring Your Smile and Dental Function with Expert Care

At Havertown Dental Arts, we specialize in providing high-quality dental bridges in Havertown, PA. Bridges are an excellent solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring your smile's appearance and functionality. Dr. Maconi utilizes advanced techniques and materials to create custom bridges that seamlessly blend with your natural teeth. Our commitment to exceptional care and personalized treatment plan aims to help you achieve a beautiful, complete smile that enhances your oral health—Trust Havertown Dental Arts for expert bridge solutions tailored to your needs.

Why Choose Havertown Dental Arts for Bridges?

Expertise and Experience
Customized Solutions
Advanced Technology and Materials

What are Bridges?

Dental bridges are dental prosthetics used to restore the function and aesthetics of a smile affected by missing teeth. They serve as bridges between the remaining natural teeth or dental implants, filling the gaps left by the missing teeth. Comprised of artificial teeth, called pontics, held in place by dental crowns, bridges are custom-made to match the natural appearance and bite of the patient.

By anchoring the bridge to the adjacent teeth or implants, dental bridges restore the ability to chew and speak properly, maintain the alignment of surrounding teeth, and enhance the smile's overall appearance. With proper oral hygiene and regular dental care, dental bridges can provide a durable and long-lasting solution for missing teeth.


The Process of Obtaining Bridges

Obtaining dental bridges involves several steps. A dentist evaluates the patient's oral health and determines if a bridge is suitable. If so, the abutment teeth on either side of the gap are reshaped and impressions/digital scans are taken. These are sent to a dental laboratory where a custom bridge is created.
In a subsequent appointment, the temporary bridge is replaced with the permanent one bonded or cemented onto the prepared teeth. The dentist provides instructions for care and maintenance, and regular check-ups ensure the bridge's long-term success. The process combines careful assessment, precise tooth preparation, collaboration with a dental lab, and professional expertise to restore function and aesthetics for individuals with missing teeth.

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When Should You Opt for Bridges?

Dental bridges are suitable for individuals with one or more missing teeth and looking to restore their smile and oral function. Here are some situations where opting for bridges may be recommended:

Missing Teeth: Bridges are an effective solution for one or more missing teeth. They can fill the gaps, preventing the surrounding teeth from shifting and maintaining proper dental alignment.

Oral Function: If missing teeth affect your ability to chew and speak properly, dental bridges can restore these essential functions, allowing you to eat a varied diet and communicate confidently.

Aesthetics: Bridges can greatly enhance the appearance of your smile by filling in gaps and improving facial aesthetics. Our dental bridges are meticulously crafted to precisely match your natural teeth' color, shape, and size, ensuring a seamless and lifelike outcome.

Oral Health: Gaps caused by missing teeth can lead to oral health issues, such as gum disease and tooth decay. Bridges help maintain oral health by preventing food particles from getting trapped in empty spaces and making oral hygiene maintenance easier.

Jaw Bone Preservation: Missing teeth can result in bone loss in the jaw area over time. Bridges help stimulate the underlying bone and prevent further damage, preserving the jawbone structure.

Restore Your Smile And Regain Your Confidence With Dental Bridges

At Havertown Dental Arts, we are dedicated to providing exceptional dental bridge services in Havertown, PA. Dr. Maconi understands the importance of a healthy and complete smile. We offer customized dental bridges that not only fill the gaps caused by missing teeth but also restore oral function and enhance aesthetics. Using advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology, we ensure precise tooth preparation and the creation of high-quality, natural-looking bridges.

Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities, and we strive to deliver the highest standard of care throughout the entire bridge treatment process. Trust Havertown Dental Arts for your dental bridge needs and take the first step toward achieving a beautiful, confident smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how dental bridges can transform oral health and well-being.

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