FILLINGS – Havertown, PA

Prevent Tooth Decay and Restore Teeth

Havertown Dental Arts is your trusted dental practice offering top-quality fillings in Havertown, PA. Dr. Maconi provides exceptional dental care and preserves the health and beauty of your smile. Whether you have a cavity or require a replacement for an old filling, our experienced Havertown dentist utilizes advanced techniques and materials to deliver long-lasting and natural-looking fillings. Our gentle approach and personalized treatment plans ensure your comfort and satisfaction. Trust us for reliable and effective fillings that will rejuvenate your oral health.

Why Choose Havertown Dental Arts for Fillings?

Expertise In Restorative Dentistry
Advanced Filling Materials and Techniques
Personalized Approach To Achieve Your Smile Goals

What are Fillings?

Fillings are dental restorations that treat teeth affected by cavities or minor damage. Havertown dentists recommend fillings to restore the tooth's structure and prevent further decay or deterioration. The filling material, such as tooth-colored composite resin, is carefully applied to the affected area, sealing the cavity and restoring the tooth's functionality. Fillings protect the tooth and provide an aesthetically pleasing result, ensuring a natural-looking smile. Visit our office and let Dr. Maconi evaluate your oral health and recommend the most suitable type of filling for your needs.

Understanding the Process of Dental Filling

We systematically restore your tooth's health and functionality during a dental filling procedure. First, we conduct a thorough examination to identify any decay or damage. Local anesthesia is administered to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. The affected tooth is then carefully prepared by removing the decayed or damaged portion, creating a clean surface for the filling. Next, the chosen filling material, such as tooth-colored composite resin, is applied and shaped to restore the tooth's natural form and function. Lastly, the filling is hardened using a special light and polished for a smooth and seamless finish.

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When to Book a Filling Consultation?

Knowing when to schedule a filling consultation is essential for maintaining oral health. If you experience any of the following signs or symptoms, we recommend contacting Havertown Dental Arts to book an appointment:

Persistent toothache or sensitivity: If you have ongoing tooth pain or sensitivity, it could indicate tooth decay requiring a filling.

Visible cavities or dark spots on teeth: If you notice visible cavities or dark spots on your teeth, it is a clear sign that decay has progressed and may necessitate a filling.

Discomfort while biting or chewing: If you experience discomfort or pain while biting or chewing, it could be a sign of a cavity or structural damage that requires a filling.

Rough or broken tooth surfaces: Rough or broken tooth surfaces can indicate weakened enamel or tooth decay, which may require a filling to restore strength and prevent further damage.

Replacement of old or damaged fillings: If you have old or damaged fillings that are deteriorating, it is important to have them replaced promptly to maintain the integrity of your teeth.

Contact Havertown Dental Arts, your trusted dentist in Havertown, PA, to schedule a filling consultation and ensure timely and appropriate dental care.

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